Sunday, March 27, 2016

Erotic Interlude

Dreamed you last night, so real right here next to me.
Felt you last night  deep within my oceans waters, discovering
new boarders rising with each wave of ecstacy.
I let go last night released all my inhibitions, not
concerned about the consequences just suspended in
the moment here and now.
Having no regrets just riding this erotic current.
Awakened last night to find it was an illusion
an impassioned fantasy.
Took a moment to reflect how I 
desire you intensely.
~poetik diva~

Monday, March 21, 2016

The War Within

Staring at the blank page reflections playing a game of twister with my psyche.
Sometimes I consider shhhh... don't think it because it may leave feelings of dread.
It's complicated the response would be don't have time for no whoa is me monology.
Out of tune with this charade frolicking unrelentingly monopolizing this deliberation.
Ferocity bawling silently confined to a muted cyclone
trapped merciless in a  restrained collaboration.
Invades the quest on the threshold en route to being steered into hysteria.
Interrupted by the urgency to prevail in defiance of conflicts magnification.

Saturday, March 19, 2016


This is my sanity
pen and pad my substance choice
free verse my remedy
constructing the framework
to a refrain destined to leave an impression
inevitable consequence the next hit sends
awareness soaring, unfolding, altering the minds

Friday, March 4, 2016



 That Moment

The first glimpse underneath the starry nights sky.
It was just a simple tranquilizing feeling and I was fated 
to find out why.
Just before the drizzle finally we intertwine no certain space no recollection of time.
Rain pours saturating and the shower seems never ending as
we play for a while then become drenched in this enticing affair.
~It's Poetik~
Poetik Diva 3-4-16

Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Scene

I wish the scene had played out differently.  This saga has become quite lengthy. What would the plot twist have been? Would prince charming have saved me not now, but way back then? Could I have done anything different in the last twenty years that would have made this chronicle an award winning cinematic hit.  This was not how I imagined the scene playing out and had I known I would have yelled cut with a boisterous shout. The setting wasn't quite right, the leading man not in place and the cast of characters most have left without a trace.  Then I realized I wasn't the writer of this script though I want to control how it ends.  I have to place it all in the Master Directors hands because He knows how the scene unfolds when I can't even comprehend.  It may be taking longer than I expected it to, but certain things take time to be refined and when the moment is right maybe 5, 10, or 30 years down the line when His hand is on it the wait is worth it...